Speaking Up

A coordinator wipes their brow.

A deep breath is taken.

“Places everyone. Places. Let’s go people.

Let’s get this show on the road.”

A worked up curtain begins to part.

A worn down stage is revealed.

A bell with curves captures what is

A Normal Distribution.

A hush falls

Over an over-crowded crowd.

Let there be lights and cameras

In action.

To be or not to be like


That is the question, printed on a program

Left on the ground, for a custodian to clean up later.

An unlikely public …


“Square … ”


“Square … ”


“An unlikely public square … is one of the places where …



Forgotten (1)


(Long pause.

(Wisdom “raises her voice,” in light of a tale spin; sending waves flying (2)

In, to and through thin air.

(Longer pause.

(A pin drops … followed by a pen.

(You hear … a throw-down you can’t see.

(A staff circles around an understudy … waiting in the wings.))))))

Side Note: “Something offered to the public, for entertainment,” is one of many definitions of fare. (3)

Fare with an e also serves as a reference to food and drink, as well as “providing a passage,” resourcing a journeyed line. (4)

Fair with an i stands for being guided by truth. (5) This One i’d word, winks our way … signaling

The way

We ought to live

“Free from injustice.” (6)

Said differently, never stop aligning to a Rule that’s Golden; measuring up by stepping up (7)

Standing on something more sustainable … than someone else’s back.





Other words

“Long for the best for that other



Would want the best

For you.” (8)

Sounds …

Promising. (9)

“You’re telling me.”



Waves swell. Eyes well.

A face reflects on a flame.

Eyes sting. Rows ring. Around a see-through


A sign appears within

A cloud

Made of tear gas

Not yet wiped away.

The presence of absence sets in.

Who we are is missing out.



Re-member the fragmented members

We are

Caring as if you think

We are

More than you think

We are.

Deep calls out to deep calling out

It is not well with my soul.








And know why you

Need to speak up

In power to power

In order to order

That which has always been

Yours …

More fair fare

To bare and share

In love, to love

The world.

(1) - Forget: To fail to think of; take no note of. To cease or fail to remember. To omit or neglect unintentionally or willfully. dictionary.com/browse/forget. 092122.

(2) - New American Standard Bible. biblehub.com/proverbs/1-20.htm. 092122.

(3) - Fare. dictionary.com/browse/fare. 051821.

(4) - Ibid.

(5) - Fair. dictionary.com/browse/fair. 051821.

(6) - Ibid.

(7) - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule. 092122.

(8) - Desmond Tutu. The Book of Joy. Lasting Happiness in a Changing World. New York, Avery, 2016. P. 148. (Emphasis Added: Upper Case F on for, A on as, Y on you, W on would and F on for.)

(9) - Fair. dictionary.com/browse/fair. 051821.

013 Speaking Up | 080322 | Jeff Holmberg