In Light Of Getting Better
Is that
A caret
A mountain?
“Who are you talking to?”
The plot thickens.
The plot thins
Depending on ^
Our character.
“Break through the crust” and “see what comes out of it.” (2) (3)
More sustenance
In this plot
We got
Would be good.
Aim according to your “higher yes” and pull. (4)
Consider if you will, how the relation between “pre” and “tend” is
The creative process
A path that prompts us into caring for … the not yet
(Make what you believe.)
“Care for the garden you have been given.” (6)
Consider if you will, that what we
Believe, is dwelling in our
(We tell on ourselves all the time.)
Prepare more room(s) for grace
(Just in case … we’ve overlooked or downplayed … how rich that
Word may
The center of our eye is a dark, round deep — which reveals a world to a pupil.
Multiple meanings are represented by this reference;
One of which roots “from the Latin, pupilla, ‘a little doll.’
When the Romans looked into one another’s eyes, they saw a doll-like reflection of themselves.
The old Hebrew expression for pupil is similar: eshon ayin, which means ‘little man of the eye.’” (8)
So …
As we draw near to another, a reflection of
Us hovers before us
On a circular, saltwater
“That’s how it appears.”
“Show me that I exist to you.” (9)
Show us how good at looking you are.
Point out the abundance of common ground
Dwelling deep in our sides.
Oh, “to see the best in everything and every one, and make that Best a part of my life.” (10)
Here’s to “never giving up on the idea that there is more growing
Done.” (11)
(1) - Caret.
(2) - Buber, Martin. I and Thou. Mansfield Center, Martino Publishing. 2010. P. 98.
(3) - Vernon, Justin. “Aaron Rodgers and Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon Have an Epic Conversation | One-on-One” Youtube, uploaded by GQ Sports Dec 4, 2019 20m.
(4) - Heschel, Abraham Joshua. Man is Not Alone – A Philosophy of Religion. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York. 1951. P 293.
(5) - Carrot. Farmington, MN. 083020.
(6) - Kornfield, Jack. No Time Like the Present - Finding freedom, love and joy right where you are. London, Rider, 2017. P. 143.
(7) - Eye. Holmberg, Jennie. Used with permission. 123120.
(8) - Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of the Senses. New York, Random House, 1990, p.232.
(9) - Noah, Trevor. Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. Trevor Noah. 2017. Audiobook. Ch. 9 The Mulberry Tree. 21 m.
(10) - Keller, Helen. Optimism An Essay (p. 2). Kindle Edition. 1903.
(11) - Obama, Michelle. Becoming. Audible, 2018. Epilogue 6 m. (Emphasis added: Upper Case T on to, B on be, and D on done.)
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